Monday, November 27, 2006

Some crap pun on chemistry, or lack thereof, like dating, but with a chemist, like.

A couple of weeks ago I experienced one of those "you're a pathetic fantasist, endofphil, you wish, in your dreams" moments. I had managed to stay awake during a physics colloqium, which is an achievement in itself. The typical audience member of a physics colloqium is male, bearded, over 50 and quite probably asleep. He will wake up a few minutes before the end of the talk to ask whether the topic being discussed has any relevance to his area of expertise.

Being a special colloqium there were a couple of crates of beer at the end of the talk, and thus the audience got to drink a beer and discuss beard trimming techniques and whether their areas of expertise had some overlap somewhere. The thing that didn't fit in here at all, in any way whatsoever, was a young female Russian Chemist stood with a bottle of beer looking bored and homesick (honestly I'm not making this up, I may be a pathetic fantasist, but this is straight up). She was most certainly bored, as the whole evening had been held in German and she hadn't understood a thing.

I'd drunk enough to work up some courage, so I explained that I could in principle speak English and offered to take her out of the physics institute and show her the sights of Erlangen (I took here to the Schlossplatz, I don't know why but I had to start it somewhere). In one of those wonders of German organisation she is living in an office in the physics institute, so she was in no position to turn me down. This evening we went for a few beers, but I think she just wants me for my social life (WTF !?), although that could be one of those numerous excuses I make to avoid ever making anything of anything.

Youtube link of the day: This is probably a waste of time, as all Germans know it and any non-Germans won't understand it. Anyway, this is the first "go away and spend 5 years learning German, it will be worth it" clip that I've come across. Ein Klavier, Ein Klavier


Unknown said...

"I took her to a supermarket. I don't know why, but I had to start it somewhere. So it started, there."

If she told you that her Dad was loaded and if you asked for a rum and coke, it's probably serious.

Quit thinking about it.

(Ignore the above. I'm quite drunk and it took me 5 minutes to type this.)

perreira said...

Well, after seing her, I would be happy to be her social life. But I am only a frustrated physicist who has not yet got out of the madness...

(It seems that blogger beta means unreadable word verification thingies...)