Friday, January 26, 2007

The Model 3107 Chair

Today I got fed up with looking for flats, so I got on a tram and went to Strünkende Castle which is at the end of the line. It's several hundred years old and now houses a museum. The museum has lots of the usual stuff (armour, weapons, axes, pots, bones etc) and also a collection of 20th century chairs.

Possibly the most famous chair of the 20th century is now in the hands of the Victoria & Albert Museum. It belonged to the photographer Lewis Morley and was used in 1963 (the year that sexual intercourse began) for a photograph with Christine Keeler, who was then embroiled in the Profumo affair.

The museum in Strünkende Castle explained the appeal of this chair, which is a copy of the model 3107 chair by Arne Jakobsen. So if you ever run into this photo again, be sure to gaze at it with an open jaw and dribble "Phwoooar, that's a model 3107 chair".

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