Thursday, March 01, 2007

Intelligence and dental assistents

I impressed three young female dental assistents this morning by telling them where they were, leading them up two flights of stairs and sending them down a corridor. After passing halfway down the corridor they remarked that I seemed to be most intelligent. I think it was the map-reading ability that did it.


perreira said...

So, it seems you are getting closer to the answer of your main question?

Anonymous said...

Hi Phil,
it's nice to hear (read) from you since you are no longer in Erlangen but in meiner Heimat dem Ruhrpott :o)

Anyway, I wonder what you lead to the implicit assumption in your main question...


phil said...

Hi birgit,

I am now working at an institute for "Elektrotechnik". I thought it would be a change from doing physics, but I don't know if I should call myself a physicist or an electrical engineer.

Is there anything that I can't afford to miss in the Ruhrpott?