Thursday, March 08, 2007

Some Other Team 3 - Torpedo Entenhausen 1

I joined a football team in the "Spare time league" and made my debut for Torpedo Entenhausen this week. I ran around a lot and caused a bit of trouble for the opposition, who weren't so keen on running but felt that at least one of them ought to run after me. This means that I can play again next week.

I have acquired the ironic nickname the "Kopfballungeheuer", which translates as "The heading monster". Despite being the tallest person on the pitch, I kept missing the ball, and on the occasions when I made contact the ball bounced off my head in a random direction.

Some links:

Elf defence for 'lingerie thief'

Comedy stretcher bearers

I have finally fallen for the google calculator. Calculations with units included are definitely the way forward and cut out many of my mistakes.


perreira said...

For your metric readers: that would be 1.8360546 × 10^26 tea-spoons.

perreira said...

Which is in ex-colony-units 2.20501054 × 10^26 US teaspoons

perreira said...

After careful re-investigation: the correct value would be 2.17366482 × 10^26 metric teaspoons. Sorry for comment-spamming