Saturday 27th October
I am in New York for a conference on Ultrasound. I was probably the only person to check into the New York Hilton wearing odd socks (one purple, one green). This morning, I decided to get away from the traffic and Starbucks and went to Central Park, which is five minutes from the hotel. As it was raining, the park was quite empty, although there were plenty of joggers.
I then chanced upon a man, stood on a table, directing a large group of people how to turn 30,000 pumpkins into Jackolanterns. His plan was a division of labour into cutters, gutters and carvers, with carriers and candlers too. Having no real plan for the day, I offered my services and spent the day gutting pumpkins. Eight hours later, a little bit of Central Park looked beautiful, with the lanterns, sometimes scary, sometimes funny, lighting the ways. The centre piece was a pyramind of lanterns with heart shapes cut into them.
I pilfered the photos from some guy on Flickr. I hope he doesn't mind.

This post was part of my plog. I have made some corrections and added photos and links.
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