Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Pope Benedict XVI

The pope (or should that be Jessyl, the Trifelge Putinard?) is in Bayern, which is a good excuse for a link to this video.

On the job front, I am still trying fill out the forms to officially become unemployed. Once I achieve this, I will be earning more than twice as much as my flatmate, Slawek, who went to work at 7am this morning.

Job of the day: Armour Researcher
. Advantages: Get to shoot stuff at other stuff, become civil servant, get to pretend to be "Q". Disadvantages: Not sure I want to live in Salisbury, trying to avoid military work, might not get security clearance due to german accent.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was interested in that one too...but gave up on the idea, having thought about what it would be like telling people what you do for a living.

"I'm an armour researcher"
"What, do you wear it and get people to shoot you? It's a bit dangerous, is it not?"

for the 500th time and I would probably be arrested, eventually.

Is it just me, or are these Captcha thingies getting over-complicated?