Sunday, July 09, 2006


I'm back where I was a couple of posts ago. I have a bloated feeling somewhere in my digestive system, and am fucking annoyed. It all started so well on Thursday, with a piece of linoleum, a barbecue and a crate of beer.

Our ex-flatmate Sabine agreed to come over and lay the piece of linoleum in our hall. She is doing an apprenticeship as an interior designer and did a very nice job. I sort of stood around and made encouraging sounds. The hall now looks much nicer, which is great.

Being a sensible sort of person, Sabine is quite happy to work for beer and sausages, so we then moved on to Juliane's birthday barbecue. In short it got quite late and I got quite drunk, and I've been feeling shit ever since I woke up on Friday.

My original plan today was to go cycling and drink a couple of beers whilst watching the final. My depressed-as-fuck backup plan is to eat some mashed potatoes, clean my room and do the washing.

The worst thing about this backup plan is that I have no distractions left. Without beer, world cup, bicycles or Stern-Gerlach experiments the truth is plain to fucking see: I need to get a plan, a job and a future.


perreira said...

We all need a plan, a job and a future...

MarkusPhotoBlog said...

That's not true. I don't need a plan, I don't need a job and I for sure don't have a future....