Friday, July 21, 2006

Psychosomatic stomach pains

Yesterday I had some slight stomach pains. This is the third time within a month, which is kind of worrying. Whenever this happens I don't know what the best course of action is.

Choice 1: Assume that the pain is real, and caused by an external influence (bad food, a virus or whatever). Remedy: get some rest, drink peppermint tea and eat mashed potatoes.

Choice 2: Assume that the pain is real, but caused by myself (maybe something stress related). Remedy: chill out, think happy thoughts, drink peppermint tea and eat mashed potatoes.

Choice 3: Assume that the pain is imaginary and caused by myself. Remedy: Ignore the stomach problems, eat something nice and healthy, drink a beer, and try to think happy thoughts.

I'm pretty sure that yesterday the pains were somehow self-inflicted. I went for mashed potatoes last night, which didn't help too much. Today I went for steak, bread and salad washed down with a beer and am feeling better. I think it all rests and falls on the happy thoughts. It's much easier to think of good stuff when you're eating a steak.

The trouble is that once in a while I will go for steak and happy thoughts when I really am ill, which is no good at all. If there is something really wrong then eating steak will just make you worse, which is an unhappy thought, which is a bad thing to end a post on. I therefore leave you with the words of Oscar Hammerstein.

Happy talk, keep talkin' happy talk,
Talk about things you'd like to do.
You got to have a dream,
If you don't have a dream
How you gonna have a dream come true?

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