Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wondering Why it's Only After Dark

Warning: this post uses html microdots.

I was flicking through a "what's going on in the Ruhrpott" magazine last night, and glanced over the personal ads. All I found was a lovely German word: tageslichttauglich. This literally means "daylight compatible", and seems to describe a minimum standard of attractiveness and grooming. If 18 letters is too short for you, or if you are are looking for a creature of the night, then you can add an "un" to get "tageslichtuntauglich", meaning "daylight incompatible". Finally, a politically correct term for vampires.

What a lovely language, and what a wonderful country. There was even someone advertising that she had lots of wood in front of her shed. It's an odd thing to boast about, but I suppose you need something to keep you warm in the cold, dark months ahead.

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