Tuesday, April 25, 2006

More about the nature of matter

To be honest I didn't quite finish my post yesterday. So, with a wink to Bildblog which makes fun of germany's best selling tabloid paper, the Bild Zeitung, I present the combined cosmologist/particle physicist picture of the universe. Of course if the Bild Zeitung has a pie chart which has the wrong proportions or where the numbers don't match the amount of pie it is because they are stupid. In my case it is because I used a highly non-linear percentage to angle algorithm.

The title says "Composition of the universe", and the bit below says that the fact that the numbers don't add up to 100% is because we ignored penalty-stopping hero Jens Lehmann.


Anonymous said...

Well, with 0.1 % of the universe's matter/energy in the goal, I see a chance for the German team in the World Cup after all...

(Unless, of course, Jens gets a gravitational collaps and sucks everything into the German goal...)

Anonymous said...

Yes, I know there is a logical flaw in the above argument...