Sunday, April 23, 2006

Rhubarb Cake

My mood this weekend was improved by no end thanks to a rhubarb cake. I baked this cake using this recipe, which is in german. I went for the options of "Muerbeteig", which translates to shortcrust pastry according to my dictionary and "Streusel" which translates apparantly as streusel. I guess you pronouce it as "stroosel" and not like the german "shtroysel" if you are in England, but I really don't have a clue.

Here we note one of my problems in life: I have problems speaking english. There are things in life which I have got to know only in Germany. These include (but are not limited to) skiing, baking cakes, making curries and paying taxes. I did try to follow an american recipe for a rhubarb cake, but just got confused by the funny ingredients. There is also something very assuring about the german use of reproducible standard units such as the gram, rather than the american "cup".

In any case the cake turned out well, but needed longer than an hour in the oven. We come now to the historic moment in this blog, where I say something nice about Germany instead of whinging about how much better things are in England. Drumroll please:

Germans make very nice cakes, and Germany is the perfect environment for baking and eating cakes.

There, that wasn't so hard, now was it?

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